Love Tips
If you want to see the smile on the lips of my girlfriends so we show some tips for him, so you he will be happy and their happiness from you and what should Take measures introduced so delicate, their sweet - little to smile -
* They say that she is beautiful Do not ever let them hot or sexy.
* His hands, which of course for a few seconds .
* To wake up to their own recorded voice spoke to him .
* They keep saying the same thing that you love him so much .
* If he is upset that he embraced Remind realize how much she means to you .
* His younger - Take care of the little things , because it is a very essential part of love .
* Occasionally spoke to them of their favorite songs , no matter how bad your voice may be.
* Spend some time with their friends .
* Are you willing to put their notes .
* Mix them with your family and friends , it will boost your confidence .
* Shlaan to love their hair , so they will be comfortable .
* Occasionally fun-filled games you play with them , such as tickling , lap lifting, wrestling .
* Go to the park and the first to put your heart out .
* Jones spoke to laugh .
* SMS midnight let them know how much you 'miss' are .
* Hands while sleeping in their hands to take them falling down .
* When he completely lost when you kiss him fondly .
* They occasionally take on their shoulders .
* Move the gift of flowers for them .
* Among his friends behave with them , as you do in private ....
* Seeing the smile in his eyes .
* You must provide them a picture like them .
* Dance with them , even if the music is not .
* Kiss them in the rain .
* Always make sure to express your love .
* Please respect their feelings , no matter whether you will not like them , but immediately afterwards , tell her to say instead of saying happy with style . Especially if Speshli any work he has done for you, whether you passed Million exasperating not let you immediately obvious . Explain the grass will be fine .